Here is a great Video I want to share it with you: How To Build A Simple Home Aquaponics System
Ways to Grow Plants Faster: I’m a keen gardener and run a pretty large greenhouse for my vegetables and flowers. This works out great for the most part, yet sometimes I never yield enough food to sustain our self-sufficient lifestyle. The main problem I have now is space, time and the sheer amount of energy […] Read more ->

What the heck is Aquaponics? In layman’s terms, it’s a hybrid garden program that includes hydroponics and the aqua culture. It basically uses fish poop to fertilize a garden and the garden in turn feeds the fish. On top of that the aquaponics don’t use any soil, meaning no stray weeds in your garden. The […] Read more ->

What means “Aquaponics”? The word “Aquaponics” seems to becoming popular term these days. Aquaponics has been around for a long time. Well, until recently it has only been used in indigenous lands. Now it is into our yards and has arrived as the new yard wardrobe! You may be asking: what is all the hype? […] Read more ->